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Master Tan Wee Keong is the founder and Principal Consultant of One Fengshui Consultancy. He is a professional metaphysics practitioner, well-versed in various skills such as feng shui, bazi, auspicious date selection, divination and many other skills. He has been in practice since 2012, and inherited his vast knowledge from reputable masters in Singapore and Taiwan. He is one of consultants (諮詢委員) under the most reputable metaphysics school in Taiwan, Academy of Zhen Xian (正先書院).

Master Tan takes pride in leveraging his knowledge to improve his clients’ situation and seeing their progression towards better direction, as the most fulfilling and rewarding aspects of his career. This is what keeps him motivated and passionate about these ancient skills.


Master Tan strongly believes that although Chinese Metaphysics is an ancient wisdom, it remains highly relevant to our modern tech-savvy and fast-moving society. Therefore, One Fengshui Consultancy believes in modernising this ancient art, thus its mission in “Bringing Authentic Fengshui into your Modern Home”.

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Master Tan’s inspiration to be a Feng Shui Master comes from his life-long interest with mystical arts and appreciation of i-Ching. In 2011, he sought guidance from various Masters, enabling him to discover and realise his potential in Chinese Metaphysics. His relentless pursuit on various metaphysics skills, such as feng shui, bazi and divination has eventually led him to realise his higher calling to use his knowledge to assist others in their life.

In 2015, he attended Taiwan metaphysics school (正先書院) and learned from Taiwanese Master Shao Chong Lin (邵崇龄). From there, his knowledge in Feng shui, Bazi, Date Selection and Divination reached a new higher level.

In 2019, he participated in the 30th International I-Ching Conference (國際易學大會) at Taipei, and received awards and recognition at the Conference.

In 2022, was invited to share his views and market outlook using Qi Men Dun Jia (奇门遁甲) analysis to members of Singapore Business Federation.

Professional Skills

List of knowledge:

  • Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui


  • San He Feng Shui


  • Purple White Star Feng Shui


  • Qi Men Dun Jia Feng Shui


  • Bazi Life Analysis


  • Zi Wei Dou Shu Life Analysis


  • Gui Gu Zi Life Analysis


  • Ling Qi Jing Divination


  • ​Na Jia Shi Fa Divination


  • Astrology Auspicious Date Selection


  • Dou Shou Auspicious Date Selection


  • Sixty Dragon Landform Feng Shui




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